Agosto promete muitas novidades para os gamer's
03 Ago 2009
- Brave: A Warrior’s Tale (PSP);
- East India Company (PC);
- Fallout 3: Mothership Zeta (Xbox 360/PC);
- Overturn (Wii);
04 Ago 2009
- Wolfenstein (Xbox 360);
- C.O.R.E. (DS);
- Real Heroes: Firefighters (Wii);
- Brave: A Warrior’s Tale (Xbox 360/Wii);
- G.I. JOE The Rise of Cobra (Xbox 360/PS3/PSP/PS2/PC/Wii/DS);
- Hannah Montana: Rock Out the Show (PSP);
07 Ago 2009
- Hearts of Iron III (PC);
10 Ago 2009
- Fossil Fighters (DS);
11 Ago 2009
- Monster Mayhem: Build and Battle (DS);
- Raven Squad: Operation Hidden Dagger (Xbox 360/PC);
- Active Life: Extreme Challenge (Wii)
12 Ago 2009
- Trials HD (Xbox 360);
13 Ago 2009
- Marvel vs. Capcom 2 (PS3);
14 Ago 2009
- Madden NFL 10 (Xbox 360/PS3/PS2/PSP/Wii);
18 Ago 2009
- SingStar Queen (PS3/PS2);
- Wolfenstein (PC/PS3);
- Spectrobes: Origins (Wii);
19 Ago 2009
- Shadow Complex (Xbox 360);
24 Ago 2009
- Metroid Prime Trilogy (Wii);
- Professor Layton and the Diabolical Box (DS);
- Professor Layton and Pandora’s Box (DS);
25 Ago 2009
- Darkest Of Days (Xbox 360);
- Section 8 (PC/Xbox 360);
- Batman: Arkham Asylum (PC/Xbox 360/PS3);
- Dissidia Final Fantasy (PSP);